Changes are here!

Housing Development in Metro Vancouver and across BC is evolving

Six Unit Mulitplex, gdp architecture

Registered Architects (as opposed to building designers) are required to design multiplexes 4 storeys or more and/or with 5 or more units in BC. Contact us to learn more

Missing Middle Housing

Many new housing development options now exist province-wide

In response to provincial legislation (Bills 44, and 47) for Small-Scale Multi-unit Housing (SSMUH) and Transit Oriented Area developments, many municipalities have enacted zoning bylaw changes, effective June 30th 2024.

Given that the response to the Provincial legislation has been unique in every municipality, please feel free to contact gdp architecture to find out more.

See here for background information:

Vancouver Multiplexes

More housing options than ever before are now a reality in the City of Vancouver.

The new residential Inclusive zone (R1-1) took effect on October 17, 2023, replacing all previous RS zones. The new R1-1 zone permits the option for multiplex development on qualified lots. Multiplexes are buildings with up to 6 units (or 8 units for secured market rental).

As well, as of June 30th 2024, the City of Vancouver enacted several bylaw updates in response to provincial legislation (Bills 44, and 47) for Small-Scale Multi-unit Housing (SSMUH) and Transit Oriented Area developments.

  1. Small-scale multi-unit housing is now permitted in RT-7, RT-9, and First Shaughnessy Districts:
  1. Transit-Oriented Area opportunities have been implemented:
  1. Minimum parking requirements have been eliminated:

gdp architecture

we can help

We at gdp architecture have been monitoring legislative and bylaw changes closely.

gdp architecture are working on projects, both prototype and custom designs, tailored to adhere to new regulations.

Let us help you navigate the possibilities.

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Provide us with your property address and gdp architecture can provide some information
Provide us with your municipality and gdp architecture can provide some general information

gdp architecture is a full service architecture firm specializing in creating contemporary residential projects in Metro Vancouver.

gdp architecture holds a certificate of practice from the Architectural Institute of British Columbia.

copyright gdp architecture 2023